Hey, so I'm getting a code for low voltage on o2 sensor bank 1.
I replaced spark plugs and both o2 sensors. But still low voltage on I believe the first one (upstream). Thinking I must have a short or broken wire somewhere.
Has anyone re-wire the sensor? Any ideas where it plugs/goes into...
My tailgate release just stopped working, it still clicks a bit but doesn't release. Was others' totally dead or it still clicked a bit?
Checked and replaced the 10amp lift gate fuse but it wasn't blown and didn't change anything.
The manual override is from inside the car right?
Is it possible to get a valet key, like one without remote? I would like a key I can keep with me while swimming etc.
Where? Does it need programming? Maybe just use it for the doors and have normal key hidden in car.
In Canada
Where did you get the valve? I've tried 2 now and the one "barb" (on side with electric connector) is too short.
The ridge is closer to the canister and doesn't allow the thing to click/latch on
My abs light and traction loss lights came on the other day. I had new tires put on about a month ago. Does that seem like a wheel speed sensor or something else?
Anyone see fa little yellowish foam/slime in the filler cap? The oil that I changed looked fine, but there was s bit of foam in the cap.
Coolant level has been steady.
I made the mistake of hitting the rear wiper button when the wiper was frozen. It cycled but didn't move...or so i thought.
Now it wipes below the window.. any ideas how to reset it?
At over 6 ' I can't sleep sitting in the chairs. Going to begin removing seats and figuring out how much plywood I can fit to make a flatter sleeping surface. Wish me luck!
Any similar threads here, I searched but didn't find.
I was getting 6.0 l/100km in Ontario. moved to BC and am getting 7.0-7.4 l/100km
no lights. fresh oil after the trip. what gives!
I am doing less 'highway here more city like...but also driving less overall.
Anyone else experience some paint rubbing off? On passenger side of hatchback there is contact and of course bumper to bumper just expired.
Hopefully they help me out.
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/nwT1TMf
I've noticed that the air conditioner sometimes makes a hissing noise, like pressure being released, happens several times. But doesn't seem to happen everytime the A/C is used.
Any ideas? Is it normal? Warranty up end of July so need to make sure everything is tip top before then.
Super excited, picking the car up Thursday evening. Still has new vehicle warranty left.
Hoping this forum is friendly and helpful as other vehicle specific forums I've been on in the past. Usually the same issues happen frequently for each vehicle.
First of ten.