Dear Hemo,
If you did not receive a verification email, please mail and include the email address you used to register.
Kind regards,
BringGo Support
Thank you. I did contact them and finally have received an email verification. I still couldn't log in though and after a few more attempts I gave up and clicked the "reset password" link. This actually worked and sent me a temporary password I could use to log in. It's a mystery to me how a password got created in the first place though since I was unable to create an account and never received any notification during this process that an account was created!
There are a few problems that if addressed would have avoided this issue.
- When running the BringGo app on my phone, I selected the "Create Account" link in the app. That takes you to a screen that is somewhat confusing. You enter your email and password, but then you don't know what to do. There is a "Check" button that does
NOT do anything. What is this purpose of this "Check" button?
If nothing, get rid of it. Then there is a button to "Sign In". This sign in button is confusing because how can I
sign in when I haven't even created an account yet? This button should be labeled "
Create Account".
- After clicking the 'sign in' button when creating an account,
there should be a clear notification to me that an account was created and that an email verification message will be sent to my email address. In reality, all I ever got was an error message telling me that my password was incorrect! This is a big problem since obviously I knew my password was incorrect because I have not created an account yet! It should NOT attempt to sign me in on the screen that is used to create an account. It should run through a process of creating an account and informing me properly of this process.
- The verification email was a major problem with me. It turns out this email is flagged BIG TIME as a 'spam' message on many email systems. So much so that my Internet Provider was the one blocking this message. I had to work with my settings in my online account to allow your message to come through. One of the issues appears to be the message is using a foreign character set. There may be something else with this email, but it needs a serious make over to stop it from being flagged as spam! (I had tried to forward it to my work email and that system stopped it dead and wouldn't let it into our system.)
- Because I wasn't getting any email verification, it was "extremely" frustrating that there was no way to create my account via the internet because doing it from the phone was dysfunctional and not working. It would be
very helpful if there were an option to create a BringGo account directly from a website.
- After what I experienced, clearly there needs to be a way for customers to click a "request email verification" if they run into the same issues I did. I should not have to contact someone in support and have them manually send another message a day later after I contact them. I had to do this twice because on the first contact I had not realized my Internet Provider was blocking the message.
- I did finally find the correct place to send an email to obtain help with the problem, but it would be more helpful if there was a support page and/or link in the program to contact this email address with issues.
As I said, I finally got an account created using a temporary password and now I will be able to test the functionality on my phone. Thank you for your assistance.