back down again... wind all six legs and rain for 3 of them 42mpg
When sonic gets its second gen. it needs to do,this:
1) offer turbo diesel
2) active start/stop technology
3) shave weight 300lbs
Wammo....faster, 60mpg sonic with even more torque.
i went on a trip for t day it was 402 round trip and i used 10.262 gal so that puts me right below the 40 i was driving 5 under on all roads above 35. i was driving very conservative. what am i doing wrong? and i do have the 1.8
I'll just leave this here...
Right now its showing 54 so I don't care about what you do with it or your cruze....
I averaged it for 18 miles. It was done unsafely but I did do it. That was right before it started dropping down. I can't help that you're cooler than me :what: